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8 Reasons Why Your Company Needs a Social Media Policy

8 Reasons Why Your Company Needs a Social Media Policy

Why Your Company Needs social media Policy for both large and small businesses were uncommon. They were put in place to guide everyone in the organization through the use of a new technology, much as the telephone, personal computer, and email policies of previous generations.

But, as with previous regulations, some corporations and other organizations resisted, refusing to devote the effort necessary to draft a policy. And, as in previous situations, some people began to regret their delay.

What percentage of companies around the world now have policies? According to a 2014 poll conducted by multinational law firm Proskauer, 79 percent of organizations have social media policies in place… which implies that 21% have yet to see the necessity for one.

Some companies do have policies, but they are ineffective or antiquated.

So, what exactly should a decent, up-to-date social media policy entail?

Describe the new realities of the workplace:

Many, if not all, employees regard their personal and professional lives to be distinct, but social media has effectively blurred that line. Regardless of how “walled-off” an individual’s social accounts appear to be, someone, somewhere will connect that person to your company. As a result, individuals must be aware that anything they publish on social media or anywhere online may reflect negatively on them and the firm.

Maintain the reputation of your company

A solid social media policy clarifies what is and is not appropriate for employees to publish on social media about their organization. Employees should not write anything they wouldn’t want blasted over the public media, according to the guideline. This part could address the ramifications of disclosing unpleasant information about the company. It will also remind employees that everything they publish on the internet, even private posts, can and will be used against them and their business.

Increase public knowledge of your organization’s mission:

There are more “does” than “don’ts” in the finest social media policy. They have clear policies in place to help staff understand how they can utilize social media to help the company achieve its objectives. They also assist employees in reflecting organizational values in their online conduct and describing the best types of content to share on social media.

8 Reasons Why Your Company Needs a Social Media Policy


Define the terms “confidential” and “private” information:

Employees prefer having clear standards on whether information about the company and its employees is considered public. This part will also go over the ramifications of disclosing firm secrets on social media.

Identify who is the organization’s official spokesperson:

Employees must know to whom they should direct online questions about your company so that they do not have to answer them. This section identifies a company spokesperson as well as the circumstances in which he or she must respond to enquiries on social media.

Discuss how to interact with others online in the correct manner:

Although it may seem self-evident, this section advises employees to be courteous and cooperative. If they must disagree with someone, they should agree to disagree with others on social media as well, because disagreements can easily become viral.

Educate and train employees:

In demonstrating company social media policy, the positive and negative effects of social media on the organization. Show them what occurs when people don’t obey the rules and/or don’t utilize common sense by using real-life examples. This is the ounce of prevention that will make them think twice before clicking.


Remove any ambiguity concerning legal matters:

Make it clear which uses of social media in the office are permissible and which are not. Explain the repercussions of breaking the regulations, and include the language “up to and including termination” if applicable. This is not the time for ambiguity.

A current and active social media policy is just as important today as phone and computer policies were in the past. People will make mistakes until they have a lot of experience with social media, unless they obtain good counsel… the kind of assistance that social media policies provide.


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