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You Can Make A Fortune With Herbal Farming!

The days of perceiving herbal medicine as ‘snake oil’, fetish, and superstitious seem to be numbered, as it has been widely confirmed that such medicine is indeed as effective in disease treatment, as ‘Western’ medicine.

The world is increasingly turning to nature for radiant health, but astonishingly, the business of growing of herbal plants on a commercial scale is still relatively unexploited in Nigeria. It doesn’t take a Sherlock Holmes to discover that there are very few herbal plantations in Nigeria, compared to what is on ground in contemporary African and Asian countries.

The financial advantages of running a herbal farming business in Nigeria are enormous: apart from Nigeria’s huge internal market [150 million], the global trend towards a healthier lifestyle has resulted in a large expansion in demand for herbal products in many rich countries. This has led to a global herbal market estimated to be worth over US$100 Billion! In short, there are lucrative opportunities for farmers who want to grow herbs for sales, because of the expanding demand for finished herbal products.

It is herbal farming that provides the raw materials that are used to produce herbal cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. These include herbal teas, anti-acne aloe vera creams, herbal drinks like zobo, which are coming in increasingly sophisticated packaging, just to mention a few.

These are products consumed in the local as well as international market. Other examples of herbal products include almond oil, ginseng tea, acai juices, Soy Isoflavones, grape seed extracts, honey products, and of course, ubiquitous bitters. All these products have a growing profile, as the world continues to rediscover herbal products- and manufacturers of those products continue to search for more suppliers of the herbs they need.

The popularity of herbal products seems to be as a result of their potency in fighting diseases, correcting ‘imbalances’ and ‘flushing impurities’ like acne, rashes, and other beauty impediments. Does working on a farm excite you? How about farming as a hobby? Do you desire to earn more income? Do you desire to make a fortune exporting herbal
health solutions to millions of health-conscious individuals in the world?

To take advantage of the myriad opportunities inherent in this sector, you need to be equipped with the right information about which types of herbs are in strong demand were, tips on cultivating herbs, marketing strategies, and long-time

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